THE NATURE OF LEKEBERG (2008). A documentary film about the fantastic nature in Lekeberg, south-central Sweden. It aims to educate residents in the community about the importance to protect and restore natural habitats, and how valuable they are for the ecosystems and for recreation. In the film, a number of important areas for nature and culture are shown, along with wildlife - including the natural voices of a pack of wolves with cubs in Kilsbergen. The documentary is filmed across an entire year, showing the various seasons, and how they progress in Lekeberg.
Info: Swedish speech, length 22 min. All rights reserved 2008, Jan Malmgren / JM Natur and Lekebergs kommun. Files for download (in Swedish): Naturvårdsplan (2006) and Objektskatalog (2006).
Credits: The documentary was produced by Jan Malmgren / JM Natur for Lekebergs kommun (2008). Idea and manuscript by Jan Malmgren, as well as filming, music, narration and editing. Photo of deer courtesy of Jonas Forsberg/N. Thomas Kullberg, Johan Törnblom, Leif Bertilsson, Rikard Södergren and Dag Stranneby acted as a reference group. Thanks also to Mikael Esplund for valuable advice on the narrative. With financial support from Lekebergs kommun, LONA / Lokala Naturvårdssatsningen, Länsstyrelsen i Örebro län, Lekebergs Sparbank, Hasselberga Sport & Reklam AB, AB Fjugesta Elektriska, Hans Erik's Allservice, and Fjugesta Järn & Färg AB.
WATERWAYS (2005). A documentary film about how the water from the high lands of Kilsbergen travels down to the low farmlands, through the city of Örebro, and towards lake Hjälmaren - in south-central Sweden. The film portrays how the water is affected by the surrounding watersheds that it passes, showing wildlife and ecosystems along the way.
Info: Swedish speech, length 29 min. All rights reserved 2005, Luppen Film (Jörgen Widmark, Jan Malmgren, Henrik Alvelöv).
Credits: The documentary was produced by Jörgen Widmark for Luppen Naturfilm (2005), based on an idea and early manuscript by Jan Malmgren, adapted by Jörgen Widmark. Filmed by Stefan Eriksson, Henrik Alvelöv, Jan Malmgren and Jörgen Widmark. Edited by Henrik Alvelöv and Jörgen Widmark. Music by Jens Lönnberg. Narrated by Henrik Alvelöv. Graphics and animations by Henrik Alvelöv and Jörgen Widmark. Financial support was provided by Film I Örebro län, Vilt- och naturvårdskommittén, Regionutveckling Örebro Läns Landsting, Hopajola, Örebro kommun, Örebro universitet and NBV Örebro.
RETURN OF THE BEAVER (1927 / 2006). This black and white documentary, filmed in 1927 by photographer Henrik Dieden (who also appears in the film), shows the successful reintroduction of the beaver in Närke, south-central Sweden, after the species had been extinct in Sweden for decades (the last known indigenous beaver was killed in 1871). The film is of great historic significance, since the first reintroduction (Jämtland, in 1922) was not documented in the same detail. The reintroduction of beavers to Sweden is one of the most successful nature conservation projects in all time. In 2022 - which marks 100 years after the first reintroduction - well over 100.000 beavers are distributed all over Sweden.
Info: Swedish text, length 14 min. Original film material owned by Gustaf Dieden, with courtesy of Casimir Wrede. Files for download (in Swedish): Artikel, NA (2006).
Credits: The film is published with permission from the owners of the original film (Gustaf Dieden, through Casimir Wrede). The film is silent, but classic silent movie music from the era has been added in post (written by Sam Fox, performed by Rodney Sauer), as well as titles and credits. This version of the documentary has been adapted to digital media from VHS tape, and edited by Jan Malmgren (2006). Teaser photo courtesy of Niklas Hamann / Unsplash.